FAQ - Frequently asked questions

1 What is Isofin® and how does it work?

Isofin is a polymer-based hydrophobic injection barrier that permanently stops moisture in walls. It penetrates deep into the masonry and forms an invisible barrier that prevents moisture from rising or penetrating.

2. do I need special tools for the application of Isofin?

No, all you need to use Isofin® is a drill and the Isofin® bottles we supply. All further information can be found in our Isofin® book on the page Instructions (link).

3. which wall types is Isofin® suitable for?

Isofin works with:

- Brick masonry
- Quarry stone walls
- Concrete walls
- Clay walls
- Hollow blocks
- Half-timbered houses
- Internal and external walls

If you are unsure what type of masonry you have, we will be happy to help you.

4. how long does it take for the walls to dry?

After application, the masonry needs a few weeks to dry out completely. The exact time depends on the moisture content and the wall thickness. The dryness improves continuously and renovation work can start after a few weeks.

5 How long does the Isofin® barrier last?

Once applied, Isofin protects your walls for up to 20 years - with a quality guarantee. The product is designed to work reliably even under difficult conditions.

6 Is Isofin® safe for my home and the environment?

Yes, Isofin is designed to be safe and compatible for your home. It is based on a water-repellent polymer solution that contains no harmful substances and is therefore safe to use.

7 How much does it cost to use Isofin®?

The cost depends on the size of the wall, but Isofin is one of the most cost-effective solutions for stopping damp in the long term. Compared to costly groundworks, you save thousands of euros.

8. does Isofin® also work with mold infestation?

Isofin stops the cause of mold - moisture. Once the walls are dry, existing mold can be removed and the formation of new mold is prevented.

9. do I need to consider anything before using Isofin®?

Yes, make sure the wall is free of heavy dirt or loose plaster. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the enclosed instructions to achieve the best results.

10. can I use Isofin® for basements or interior walls?

Yes, Isofin is suitable for both interior and exterior walls. It is ideal for basement walls affected by rising damp.

11. how does our Isofin® product work against capillary moisture and is it also suitable for pressing moisture?

Capillary moisture: Our product is ideal for treating capillary moisture. This condition occurs when moisture rises through the fine pores and cracks in the masonry, similar to the effect of a sponge. This is particularly common in older buildings without or with damaged horizontal waterproofing. Typical signs of this are damp walls, peeling paint and mold growth in the lower wall area.

Important: Please note that our product has been specially designed for the treatment of capillary moisture. For problems with pressing moisture, which often occurs in basements or underground buildings where water under pressure presses against walls or floors, we recommend a special waterproofing solution. Pressing damp is often manifested by puddles in the basement or by moisture seeping through cracks and joints and running down walls.

Our aim is to provide you with effective solutions for specific problems. Please contact us for further information on sealing solutions for pressing moisture.